What is TRNS?

TRNS is the newest of the stimulation modalities we use. tRNS is different from tDCS because instead of giving steady current from anode to cathode, it is giving current at randomized frequencies and milliamperes between the two sites. This means that the region of the brain between the electrodes are stimulated, increasing neuroplasticity and reducing stuck patterns. 

How does TRNS work?

Transcranial Randoim Noise Stimulation causes sodium and calcium surges in the brain, which promote neuroplasticity. This means it makes the brain more able to change and adapt. Brainwaves can be overly synchronized, which is known as hypercoherence. Imagine a group of soldiers all stepping in time. This is too rigid of a pattern and tRNS can serve to break up this kind of stuck pattern. One of the physiological manifestationsf tinnitus is an excess of hypercoherent gamma in the auditory cortex. This and other conditions can be helped through tRNS, which gives the brain a chance to unlearn these fixed patterns.

What is TRNS used for?

We use Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation to soften patterns which are repetitive in the brain. This allows the brain to go back to healthy functionality. One example this is resolving cases of tinnitus. Tinnitus is the perception of a ringing or a sound which is not actually present. This means that there is excessive activity in the auditory cortex. It is currently the most effective known treatment for the condition.